
  1. In school, there are 18 fewer male teachers than female teachers. The number of male teachers is 45% of the total number of teachers . How many teachers are there in the school?
  2. There are 900 pupils in a school. The number of girls is 23 more than 45% of the total number of pupils. How many boys are there?
  3. A farmer sold 20%  of his chickens in the morning. He sold 40% of the remainder in the afternoon. Then he had 120 chickens left. How many chickens did the farmer have at first?
  4. Each month, Salleh gives 65% of his salary to his parents. He spend 15% of his salary and saves the rest. He saves $65 more than what he spends. How much is his monthly salary?
  5. 37% of the beads in a box are yellow. The rest are red and blue beads in the ratio 3 : 4. There are 20 more yellow beads than red beads. How many beads are there altogether?
  6. Mr Wu gave an amount of money to his two daughters Lihua and Limei. Lihua received 58% of the money. If Lihua gave $16 to Limei, they would have the same amount of money. How much money did Mr Wu give to Lihua?
  7. There are 40 pupils in a class. 30% of them were girls. When some girls left the class, the percentage of girls dropped to 20%. How many girls left the class?
  8. Mr Li's salary in January was $2400. He saved 1/2 of the salary. In February, his salary was increased by 5%, but his expenditure went up by 10%. Did he save more money or less money in February than in January?
  9. In a class library, 60% of the books were story books and the rest were Science books. When 80 new books were added to the library, the number of story books were doubled and the number of science books was increased by 50%. How many books were there in the library at first?
  10. A school library had 1600 books. These were Chinese, Malay and English books in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 8. When the librarian bought 160 new books, the number of Chinese books was increased by 12 % and the number of Malay books was increased by 20%. By what percentage was the number of the English books increased?